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雅思口语常见话题:A Book You Would Like to Read Again

来源:新东方 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  下面雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语话题卡:A Book You Would Like to Read Again,供考生们参考,考生们在备考时可以多多练习这些常见的雅思口语考题,多整理一些答题的素材及思路,确保正式考试时能够流利、自然地回答考官给出的题目,以下是详细内容。

  A Book You Would Like to Read Again

  Describe a type of book you like to read again.

  You should say:

  what's the name of the book

  what type of book it is

  what content it has

  and explain why you like to read this type of book again.

  Part 3

  Books and other Media

  1、Besides textbooks, what other materials (or teaching media) are used in schools in China?

  2、Do you think textbooks will be replaced in future by other teaching media such as small notebook computers?


  1、Is education important? (Why?)

  2、How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession?

  3、Who should decide what is taught in schools & universities - the students, the teachers or the government?

  The Importance of Reading

  1、Why do children like adults reading stories to them?

  2、What are some of the main differences between books and films?.

  3、What can a person learn from reading books from overseas?

  4、Do you think it's a good idea to learn a foreign language by reading materials such as novels in that language?

文章关键字: 雅思 常见 话题




