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2013年3月14,15日雅思口语Part 2,3回忆(3)

来源:新东方 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Do you think the charge for road/highway is necessary?

  How can people be encouraged to take more public transport?

  Is highway tax necessary?

  Why people do not choose public transport?

  Where can people get more detailed information about cars?

  Are there more and more people own cars? Why?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transport?

  A product you want to buy after you saw the advertisement (1月新题 北京、长沙、成都)

  Describe something you want to buy after you saw the advertisement

  You should say

  What product it is

  Where you see the advertisement

  How the advertisement sells the product

  And explain why you were attracted to it

  Part 3

  Should advertising industry be controlled?

  Are advertisements beneficial for children?

  What type of advertisements is popular?

  Something useful you learned from your family member (石家庄、长沙)

  Describe something useful you learned from your family member.

  You should say

  What it is

  How well you master it

  How you learned it

  And explain the reason why your family taught it to you.

  Part 3

  Should parents spend time playing games with children?

  What influence does parents’ spending with children have on children?

  Is it a good idea to let children win all the time?

  Something you do for relaxing (成都)

  Describe something you do fro relaxing

  You should say

  What it is

  Where you do it

  How often you enjoy it

  With whom you enjoy it

  And explain the reason why you enjoy it.

  Part 3

  How are ways of relaxation now different now compared to the past?

  Which way can we relax?

  How did people relax in the past?

  How do people relax now?

  What different way do different age people relax?

  What is the difference of relaxing way between students and workers?

  What is difficult to people?

  What will you introduce to the tourist who is visiting your hometown,places,culture,or scenery?

  How can tourist attractions promote economic development?

  How have ways of relaxation changed?

  How important is relaxation?

  What is the different way of relaxation between the old and the young?

  Why do the old like hiking?

  Can people live without sports?

  A movie based on a real person or event (成都)

  Describe a movie based on a real person or event

  You should say

  What it is

  What it is about

  When you watched it

  How you felt of it

  What you learnt from it

  Part 3

  Are acting staff important for a movie?

  What do you think of the special effects in movies?

  What type of real events and people will be recorded in movies?

  What do you think of movies related to history?

  Can people learn history from films?

  Is all the information accurate in a movie?

  What is the best way of getting to know a history person?

  How important are good acting stars for a movie?

  What do think of the false information in history movies?

  Should documentaries be precise in terms of historic facts?

  Will special effects replace real acting staff in the future?

  A math class in your childhood(1月新题 北京、深圳)

  Describe mathematics class in your childhood

  You should say

  What it is

  Where you learnt it

  How you learnt it

  And explain why it is useful

  Part 3

  How can math apply to people’s daily life?

  A special meal (北京、杭州)

  Describe a meal or dinner you had

  You should say:

  what you ate

  where you had this meal

  who you ate with

  and explain why this was a special meal to you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
accurate ['ækjurit]


adj. 准确的,精确的

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现

designer [di'zainə]


n. 设计者

inconvenience [.inkən'vi:njəns]


n. 不便,困难
vt. 使 ... 不便,使

consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən]


n. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见


关键字: 雅思 解析 回忆




