n. 独创性,创造力,新颖
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1. There are examples of languages that have survived in written form and then been revived by later generations. (4A0201)
2. In New Zealand, classes for children have slowed the erosion of Maori and rekindled interest in the language. (4A0201)
3. The former US policy of running Indian reservations schools in English, for example, effectively put languages such as Navajo on the danger list. (4A0201)
4. It is not necessarily these small languages that are about to disappear. (4A0201)
5. However, it wasn’t until the discovery of the reaction principle, which was the key to space travel and so represents one of the great milestones in the history of scientific thought, that rocket technology was able to develop. (3A0101)
6. What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. (4A0201)
7. In the Native American Navajo nation, which sprawls across four states in the American south-west, the native language is dying.(4A0201)
8. The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned, so that they are distributed in both the most just and most efficient way, is not a new one. (4A0403)
9. Every health system in an economically developed society is faced with the need to decide (either formally or informally) what proportion of the community’s total resources should be spent on health-care; how resources are to be apportioned; what diseases and diabilities and which forms of treatment are to be given priority; which members of the community are to be given special consideration in respect of their health needs; and which forms of treatment are the most cost-effective. (4A0403)
10. People are not in a position to exercise personal liberty and to be self-determining if they are poverty-stricken, or deprived of basic education, or do not live within a context of law and order. (4A0403)
11. The spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests or diseases in future. (3A0202)
12. Animals at play often use unique signs—tail-wagging in dogs, for example—to indicate that activity superficially resembling adult behaviour is not really in earnest. (4A0203)
13. A few years ago, in one of the most fascinating and disturbing experiments in behavioural psychology, Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life for their willingness to obey instructions given by a “leader” in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actions they were called upon to perform. (5A0102)
14. How can we possily account for this vast discrepancy between what calm, rational, knowledgeable people predict in the comfort of their study and what pressured, flustered, but cooperative “teachers” actually do in the laboratory of real life? (5A0102)
15. A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, ultimately finding its way into our genetic make-up as a remnant of our ancient animal ways. (5A0102)
16. Breeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in which offspring have the greatest chances of survival. (5A0403)
17. This is the process by which plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon from soil or water into organic material for growth.(5A0403)
18. Recently, however, it has been experiencing something of a renaissance, with renewed demand for original Bakelite objects in the collectors’ marketplace, and museums, societies and dedicated individuals once again appreciating the style and originality of this innovative material. (5A0201)
19. The fact that children’s ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them. (4A0101)
20. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (4A0101)
21. Never before has the planet's linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace. (4A0201)
22. Not only did it solve a problem that had intrigued man for ages, but, more importantly, it literally opened the door to exploration of the universe. (3A0101)
23. Life itself was a perpetual and punishing search for food: some families grew manioc and other starchy crops in small garden plots cleared from the forest, while other members of the tribe scoured the country for small game and promising fish holes. (3A0302)
24. There is clear-cut evidence that, for a period of at least one year, supervision which increases the direct pressure for productivity can achieve significant increases in production. However, such short-term increases are obtained only at a substantial and serious cost to the organisation. (3A0403)
25. Of growing interest is the way in which much of what we might see as diaposable is, elsewhere, recycled and reused. (3A0301)
26. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (4A0101)
27. The explosion in demand for accommodation in the inner suburbs of Melbourne suggests a recent change in many people’s preferences as to where they live.
28. Take the exercise theory. (4A0203)
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