The two pie charts show how daily schedule of working adults in one country changes in two specific years: 1958 and 2008. Overall, people spent more time on working but less on sleeping, and they relaxed at home more than went out over time.
In 1958, almost one third of the day was spent on working (33 %), and marginally less time was on sleeping (32 %). Going out with friends and family was then a common pastime, taking up 19 %. In contrast, the other activities combined, including relaxing at home, playing sports (or other hobbies) and travel to work, just accounted for 16 %.
In 2008,working and sleeping together still constituted almost two thirds of the day, but the previous balance no longer held. While the share of the former rose considerably to 42 %,the latter shrank to 25 %. In terms of recreational activities, hanging out with friends or family (6 %) was replaced by relaxing at home (13 %). In addition, the time they spent on the road climbed to 8 %,surpassing that on sports playing which remained unchanged at 6 %.
In conclusion, during these years, working took more time of the day, and the popularity of indoor relaxation increased over time.