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雅思口语真题之教育学习与工作(Study):Do you like dictionaries?

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I study in Guangdong University of Finance & Economics.
I major in auditing.
Yeah, to be honest, I've considered it for numerous times. But somehow, I've never made a real move.

I like dictionaries, especially online dictionaries because they are really convenient and handy.
I definitely prefer a book. Because I already own a dictionary myself, and there is no need for an extra one.

Well, I am not fond for this idea. Because in my impression, trains are always very crowded in China, and the interior of most trains are not so pretty.
I don't think so actually. Since I think most Chinese boarding a train just because they have to rush home or go on a business trip, and they really don't care about the journey itself.




