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雅思口语真题之休闲娱乐(Shopping):Do you like / enjoy shopping

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Yes, I love shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I usually buy clothes for myself. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I do the shopping of all our household needs. I love to find out about any new products on the market and how they can possibly make my life easier.


No, I hate shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, shopping is the most basic activity in a capitalistic society. What I mean to say is that somebody has a product which they would like you to buy from them whether you really need it or not. They lure you into their shops and malls by advertising their goods on TV and in the newspapers. They only tell you about the positive aspects of their product, but would never mention the disadvantages. This you have to find out for yourself, usually after you have bought the product.




