Monument--mundane The monument There were a multitude of reasons.
Why the locals living in the multistory apartment surrounding the area didn't like the newest monument in the park.
住在周围多层 公寓的当地人 不喜欢公园里 新建的纪念碑
First, the motif was too morbid. Statues of guys having their heads cut off.
第一,主题太不健康。 几尊头被砍掉的雕像
Didn't motivate anyone to improve morality. Second, it was just too mundane;other events were more worthy of recognition.
不会激起任何人 提高道德观念。 第二,纪念的东西太平 凡其他事件更值得纪念
And third, the motto was weak, Remember the headless. What was that supposed to mean?
第三,碑上的铭文苍白 无力。记住这些被砍 了头的人。 这到底是 什么意思?
Other people who frequented the park complained that the monument had changed the mood of visitors,
其他经常光顾公园的 人们也 抱怨说,这个纪念碑影响了游客们的情绪
Even contributing to the increased activity of muggers. They pointed out that the base of the monument had a great hiding spot.
甚至导致了更多行凶 抢劫者的犯罪活动。 他们指出,纪念碑底部 有一个很大的藏身之地
Where thieves could gather and hide. The ground was often muddy there.
小偷们可以聚集并 躲藏在那里。 而且那里常常 是烂泥满地,
But that was because local troublemakers were using it as a bathroom. And the statues always seemed to have mould on them.
因为当地的一些捣蛋鬼 把那儿当成了浴室。 此外,那些雕像身上 似乎总是有霉菌,
City maintenance workers could clean them as often as possible and still not get rid of it.
城市维修工 只要有机会就擦, 但还是擦不掉。
The morale of locals sunk pretty low. When mortgage rates declined, however, it was no surprise that a motion was made to remove the monument.
当地人的精神面貌 变得很是萎靡不振。 但是等到抵押贷款利率 下降之后,人们提议拆掉那座 纪念碑便成了 意料之中的事。
Officials muddled through the process in a typical bureaucratic fashion. And it seemed like it would take forever.
官员们是典型的 官僚作风,从头到尾 就是含含糊糊, 好像整件事要 永远拖下去。
But the motivation of the locals multiplied exponentially when multiple bodies were found murdered at the base of the monument.
但是当地人的积极性 便成倍增长了 当纪念碑底部发现 多具被害者的尸体时,
At the tearing down ceremony a multifaceted crowd gathered. They cheered, drank wine, and passed out flowers to each other.
拆除仪式上聚集了 各方来宾。 他们又是欢呼, 又是干杯, 又是互赠鲜花。
Hope was restored when the monument fell. And who cared about a bunch of headless revolutionaries anyhow!
纪念碑倒下去的那一刻 人们重新燃起了希望。 不管怎么说,谁会对 一群没有脑袋的 革命分子感兴趣呢?