Thigh -- toll The toll-booth operator Mr.Wilkens slapped his thigh.
收费站工作人员威尔金斯先生拍了一下 他的大腿,
Dog-gone-it!This toll is always so time-consuming. Why can't they open up another stall or two for a threefold increase in efficiency
他妈的!这里交费 总是这么耗时间.他们怎么就不能加一两 个收费亭把效率 提高三倍呢?
A bank is more tolerable than this! Honk. Honk.
The large truck carrying timber behind him was impatient as well. As he drove up to the threshold of the booth,
他后面一辆运木材的大 卡车也等得不耐烦了.把车开到收费亭 入口的时候,
Mr.Wilkens put the piece of toast he had been eating on some tissue And pulled out the token to throw in the box.
威尔金斯先生把他刚刚 在吃的一块吐司 放在纸巾上, 拿出专用辅币准备 投到箱子里.
But then the line slowed again. He tilted his head out the window to see what was happening.
但排着的队伍 又慢下来.他把头从窗户侧出去 看发生了什么事.
These guys are too thorough! He thought again. What are they doing, checking every car?
这些家伙也太仔细 啦!他又想, 他们在干什么?每辆车 都要检查吗?
Just then the man from the truck behind him walked up to his window. He was huge and obviously ready to threaten someone.
正在这时, 后面卡车上 的男子走到他的窗前.他人高马大, 显然做好 了威胁别人的准备.
But Mr.Wilkens didn't have a tinge of fear: he had his own fury inside as well. This place was like tinder ready to be lit to explode.
可是威尔金斯先生没有 一丝害怕:他自己心里 也有气.这个地方就像个引火物 一点就会爆炸.
But then the tide changed, The cars started moving and the man went back to his truck.
但是后来局势 发生了变化, 车子开始动了起来, 那个男子也回到 自己的卡车上.
And Mr.Wilkens finally saw the tollbooth operator--- it was a woman. And she was beautiful.
威尔金斯先生终于见到 了收费站工作人员, 原来是个女人.她很漂亮,
She had a tidy look about her, a tiny waist and a uniform on. He couldn't take his eyes off her and just started talking to her.
看上去干净整齐, 小细腰, 身穿制服.他的眼睛无法离开她, 所以开始跟她攀谈起来
He was flirting. And she thrived under his attention. She didn't even encourage him to drive on.They just chatted.
他在调情, 由于有他的 注意, 她也神采飞扬, 甚至都没有催他往前走 他们就这样聊着.
No wonder the line was so slow. Every man had to stop for a chat.Every woman drove right on.
难怪队伍走得那么慢.每个男人都得停下来跟 她聊几句, 而每个女人 都飞快地把车开走了.
As Mr.Wilkens finally drove away he thought he should have left a tip. He was coming back this way again tomorrow for sure!
当威尔金斯先生终于把 车开走的时候, 他想他 应该给她留点儿小费.明天他肯定还会 走这条路!