雅思口语新话题toys 玩具,对于初高中生来说还算是有记忆的,而且就算玩具的类型男女有别,但是喜欢玩的原因都大同小异。除此之外呢,还会问一些比较general的问题。我们先来看一下关于toys 他们都问了什么哈~
1. What was your favorite toy in childhood?
2. What kind of toys do children like today?
本题最重要的一点就是时态!毕竟是小时候的事情!提到玩具大家一定要先储备一些玩具的类型及样貌的表达。不然你就只能说my favorite toy was...a...toy. 所以话不多少,马上补充词汇~
益智类玩具:chess象棋,Chinese draughts跳棋,gobang 五子棋
竞技类玩具:model car/ airplane/tank; basketball, football
电子玩具:I-pad, smart phone, computer
拼图玩具:jigsaw/puzzle拼图 ; Lego 乐高
毛绒玩具:stuffed toy/ plush toy ; doll (Barbie doll)
Shape: square, rectangular, oval ; heart/triangle/ arc shaped ……形状的
Textures: leather, fur, cotton, plastic, metal
It is made out of... 由……制成的
Size: It is about the size of a...
It's about this big/tall. (用手比划!)
Color: colorful; vibrant red/pink 亮红/粉色
it comes in + colors 有……颜色
出了一些表达之外,我们还要注意的地方就是favorite,虾米意思呢?就是大家开口一定都是my favorite blahblahblah, 所以我们要替换掉它。
Favorite: dearest / Favor / most beloved / much-loved
3. Do you still have any of your old toys?
4. In your opinion, why do some people like to keep a childhood toy?
好好的保存着:well preserved/kept in my storage room
有深厚的感情:have great affection with
承载着童年的回忆:evoke memories of my childhood/ bring back fun childhood memories
特殊的人送的: sent by some special
5. Should parents buy many toys to their children?
6. What are the benefits/disadvantages of children playing toys?
7. If you had a child, what toy would you buy him or her?
打发时间:pass time / kill time / count one's thumb
锻炼孩子的大脑:exercise / train the brain
培养独立思考能力:cultivate someone to be of an independent mind; develop capacity for independent thinking
减少看电视的时间:lessen/ reduce the time for TV and computer
8. What sorts of people like toys?
谁都喜欢:No on hates toys. / Everyone loves toys.
喜欢的种类可能不一样:each person has things they like
9. Do you think toys should be passed on to other kids when these toys are no longer wanted?
堆:pile up in
转送:make a present of sth given to someone
废物利用:make good use of waste things
很喜欢很想拥有:desire sth