Climate Change,the Measure of Global Warming, May 11st, 2013, Economist
AT NOON on May 4th the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere around the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii hit 400 parts per million (ppm).
The average for the day was 399.73 and researchers at the observatory expect this figure,too, to exceed 400 in the next few days.
The last time such values prevailed on Earth was in the Pliocene epoch,4m years ago, when jungles covered northern Canada.
Mauna Loa is the benchmark for CO2 measurement (and has been since 1958, see chart) because Hawaii is so far from large concentrations of humanity.
The Arctic,by contrast,gets a lot of polluted air from Europe and North America.
This year the average reading for the whole month will probably also reach 400ppm,according to Pieter Tans,who is in charge of monitoring at Mauna Loa,and the seasonally adjusted annual figure will reach 400ppm in the spring of 2014 or 2015.
据在莫纳罗亚负责监控的Pieter Tans称,今年5月的平均浓度可能也会达到400ppm,而在2014年或2015年的春季,数值将会达到400ppm。
Mauna Loa's readings are one of the world's longest-running measurement series.

The first,made in March 1958,was 315ppm. That means they have risen by a quarter in 55 years.
In the early 1960s they were going up by 0.7ppm a year.
The rate of increase is now 2.1 ppm—three times as fast—reflecting the relentless rise in greenhouse-gas emissions.
As a rule of thumb,CO2 concentrations will have to be restricted to about 450ppm if global warming is to be kept below 20℃(a level that might possibly be safe).
Because CO2 stays in the atmosphere for decades, artificial emissions of the gas would have to be cut immediately,and then fall to zero by 2075,in order to achieve 450ppm.
There seems no chance of that. Emissions are still going up. At current rates,the Mauna Loa reading will rise above 450ppm in 2037.Thank you.