[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第155期
3.Adding to a woman's increased dose of stress chemicals, are her increased "opportunities" for stress. 【分析】简单句。本句是一个典型的完全倒装句。2013-08-20 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第154期
1.“Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men.”according to Dr. Yehuda, chief psychiatrist at New York's Veteran'...2013-08-19 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 把阅读当成一种生活态度 巧妙提升英语能力
进入考研暑期备考阶段,不少考生不知道什么时候开始阅读,或者找不到适合自己的资料。其实课外阅读启动的越早越好,因为它让大家打好了基础,就不会因为对专业课复习占用大量的时间,而导致英语阅读这块的准备不足了。在此,我们建议考生把阅读当成自己的一种生活态度,平心静气地读、锲而不舍地读、有技巧地读,才能收获多多!2013-08-16 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第153期
29. Boas felt that the culture of any society must be understood as the result of a unique history and not as one of many cultures belonging to a broader evolutionary stage or type of culture.2013-08-16 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第152期
27.He argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the "survival of the fittest" , in which weaker races and societies must eventually be replaced by stronger, more...2013-08-15 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第151期
25.Meanwhile, many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Dane’s, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for relig...2013-08-14 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语阅读之同义替换浅析 提高做题效率
随着炎炎夏日的到来, 同学们的复习进度也正在进行的如火如荼。在英语阅读块面,仔细阅读考研文章之后, 再来看题目和选项, 相比很多同学都已经发现一个共性,那就是:同义替换。很多题目和选项都或多或少的与原文里的句子有些不大一样,但是意思却基本相同。下面我们就2002年文中里出现的同义替换简要跟大家来分享下,希望在以后的阅读过程中注意此类选项和原文做对比, 以提高做题效率。2013-08-13 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第150期
23.While few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed it is obvious that their views were less fully intellectualized.2013-08-13 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 2014考研英语备考辅导之揭秘考研英语阅读理解
考研英语难吗?阅读理解头疼吗?对很多考研学子来说,英语无疑是考研道路上最让人头疼的一个绊脚石。对广大考生来说,阅读成绩徘徊不前的原因主要有:单词不认识,句子结构不理解,阅读速度跟不上、阅读技巧不到位、知识面不全面等等。本文主要针对这些方面,给在考研英语阅读中苦苦挣扎的考生提几点建议。2013-08-12 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第149期
21.But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture, adjusting to New World circumstances.2013-08-12 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第148期
19.On the contrary,constraints on improving productivity I explain why education isn't developing more quickly there than it is.2013-08-09 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第147期
17.More recently, while examining housing construction, the researchers discovered that illiterate, non-English-speaking Mexican workers in Houston, Texas2013-08-08 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研阅读备考辅导] 考研英语阅读理解做题要分步骤
考研英语阅读理解考查的题型有很多,大家在复习过程中务必要找准着力点,有针对性地进行复习。考研辅导专家提醒考生,复习不能盲目前进,不然的话很容易拣了芝麻丢了西瓜。2013-08-07 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第146期
15.Not long ago, with the country entering a recession and Japan at its pre-bubble peak, the U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of the primary cause of the poor U. S, economic pe...2013-08-07 编辑:Sophie 标签:
[考研英语长难句讲解] 考研英语长难句讲解 第145期
13.Progress in both areas is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political, and intellectual development of these and all other societies;2013-08-06 编辑:Sophie 标签:
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【协议】2015考研英语(一)签约全程班 | 170 | ¥1580 | ![]() |
【协议】2015考研英语(二)签约全程班 | 166 | ¥1580 | ![]() |
2015考研政英签约全程联报班 | 326 | ¥2280 | ![]() |
2015考研政英全程联报班 | 301 | ¥1980 | ![]() |
2015考研政英数全程联报班 | 444 | ¥2980 | ![]() |
2015考研词汇5500【恋练有词 朱伟】 | 50 | ¥380 | ![]() |
2015考研政英西医综合全科签约联报班 | 528 | ¥3580 | ![]() |