具有更高文明素质和精神追求 Raise ethical standards and have higher/lofty aspiration
对外更加开放、更加具有亲和力 be more open and friendly to the outside world
Strengthen the foundation for building a well-off society of a higher level in all respects to the benefit of over one billion people
建设创新型国家 make China an innovative nation
国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要 Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development
突破制约经济社会发展的关键技术 make breakthroughs in key technologies vital to China,s economic and social development
支持前沿技术研究、社会公益性技术研究 support research in frontier technology and in technology for public welfare
establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes
引导和支持创新要素向企业集聚 guide and support the pooling of factors of innovation into enterprises
科技成果产业化 the application of scientific and technological achievements in production
培养造就世界一流科学家和科技领军人才 train / bring up world-class scientists and leaders in scientific and technological research
使创新智慧竞相迸发、创新人才大量涌现 inspire creativity and bring forth large numbers of innovative personnel
推进信息化与工业化融合 promote IT-based industrialization
具有国际竞争力的大企业集团 internationally competitive conglomerates