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时间:2012-07-24 23:20:26 来源:考试大 编辑:melody  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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  1. 元宵节: Lantern Festival

  2. 刺绣:embroidery

  3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival

  4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day

  5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting

  6.期初存货opening stock

  7.期房 forward delivery housing

  8.期末存货closing stock

  9.旗袍 cheong-sam; Chi-pao

  10.骑警 horseback police

  11.启发式教学 heuristic education

  12.企业重组 reshuffle of the enterprises

  13.企业孵化器 enterprise incubator

  14.企业改制 restructuring of enterprise

  15.企业文化 corporate culture

  16. 书法:Calligraphy

  17. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets

  18. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters

  19. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow

  20. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle

  21.洽谈会 fair, meeting

  22.千代田寿险公司(日本) Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co.

  23.千禧婴儿 millennium infant; millennium baby

  24.强化班 intensive training class

  25.强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.

  26.抢跑 false start, beat the gun

  27.敲竹杠make somebody pay through the nose; put the lug on; rob by a trick

  28.侨胞 countrymen residing abroad

  29.侨务affairs concerning nationals residing abroa

  30. 战国:Warring States

  31. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen

  32. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl

  33. 函授部:The Correspondence Department

  34. 集体舞:Group Dance

  35.切入点 point of penetration; breakthrough point

  36.亲民党 People First Party

  37.禽流感 bird flu

  38.勤工俭学 part-work and part-study system; work-study program

  39.轻轨火车 light rail train

  40.清产核资 asset and capital verification


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