生存排放 survival emissions
国际排放转移 international transfer emissions
大幅量化减排 deep quantified emission cuts
扶贫工作 poverty alleviation work
海洋经济 the marine economy
主体功能区战略 main functional regions
区域协调发展 balanced development between regions
现代产业体系 the modern industrial system
产业核心竞争力 the core competitiveness of industries
社会主义现代化建设 socialist modernization drive
产粮大省 granary province
反倾销税 countervailing duty
服务外包 service outsourcing
风险投资 venture capita/risk investment
不锈钢 stainless steel
transfer of technology with compensation 技术有偿转让
grey income 灰色收入
grey economy 灰色经济
overstocked commodities 积压产品
returned customer 回头客
withdrawl of currency from circulation 货币回笼
currency retention scheme 货币留成制度
vested interest groups 既得利益集团
demand deposit interest rate 活期存款利率
listed companies 上市公司
currency manipulator 货币操纵国
first-day cover 首日封
commemorative envelope 纪念封
exclusive story 独家报道
sheetlet 单枚
odd event 特色项目
联合国经济合作行动计划署UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation)
非营利性组织NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization)
国家物价局SACP(State Association of Community Prices)
英中了解协会SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding)
共和党GOP(Grand Old Party)