1. 43,200,239,431
2. 54,610,922,103
3. 5,445,521,123
4. 12,001,210,213
5. 457,111,999,934
Paert 2 C-E:
1. 934'4319'9545
2. 666'8868'6866
3. 4545'4433'3743
4. 4509'2394
5. 513'2425'3325
Part 3 Passage interpreting
In rural areas, infrastructure has been improved to provide the necessary facilities for the local population, including water, power, transportation, telecommunication, natural gas, radio and television, and postal services. Some 90 percent and 99.7 percent of Tibetan townships now have access to postal service and road network, respectively, and 94.2 percent of administrative villages could be reached by road. A total of 1.93 million farmers and herdsmen now have access to safe drinking water, and 150,000 rural households are using clean biogas. In addition, over 95 percent of rural households use iodized salt.
水、电、路、讯、气、广播电视、邮政等农村综合配套设施建设逐步完善,乡镇通邮率、乡镇通公路率和行政村通公路率分别达到90%、99.7%、94.2%。累计解决193万农牧民 的安全饮水问题,15万户农牧民用上了清洁的沼气能源,农牧区碘盐覆盖率达到95%以上。