HK Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying (CE) said the government is willing to communicate with all parties, and is not intending to "brainwash" the students by introducing Moral and National Education (MNE).
Moral and National Education就是“德育及国民教育”,旨在通过持续学习对学生进行以下方面的培养:development of moral qualities(道德品质的培养)、development of a positive and optimistic attitude(培养积极乐观的态度)、self-recognition(自我认同)、recognition of identity(身份认同)、practice(鼓励实践)。
香港特区居民近期发起的hunger strike(绝食)和class boycott(罢课)等活动都呼吁withdrawal of MNE(取消德育及国民教育)。特区行政长官表示,就是否scrap the subject(取消该课程),there are still many possibilities to be discussed(仍有很大讨论空间)。