Those who blog, bloggers, carry out the activity of blogging, setting up a blog site, with a unique web address in order to do so. It's an abbreviation of "web log"; a phrase that was first used in 1997, both as a noun and as a verb.
开博的人被称作博主,他们从事着博客活动。启用一个独立的网络域名去建立博客网站,Blog是web log网络日志的缩写形式,它第一次出现是在1997年。Blog可以作为名词或者动词使用。
It's essentially a content management system, a way of getting content on to a webpage; it's a genre, a bit like diary writing, or bulletin posting. People add their posts or diary entries, with some regularity, if you're a blogger you do it daily at least, often several times a day.
So at one extreme there's the personal diary, kept by an individual who wants to tell the whole world about his or her activities, or interests and opinions and so on. And then at the other extreme, there's the corporate blog, maintained by an institution, such as a radio station or a music store.
There are even more coinages about to come. The totality of all blog sites in the world is known as the blogosphere. And if you have a blog and you can't stop writing your blog, be careful, because somebody might describe you as having blogarrhoea! 更多的新词将会出现。所有的博客汇集起来被称作一个网志空间blogosphere。如果你开博并且忍不住想要更新,那么小心了,有些人会认为你blogarrhoea了(blogarrhoea演变自单词diarrhoea 腹泻)。
a. second edition: the second time that a book is printed, usually with some changes made to the content
b. an abbreviation: a shortened version or form of something, usually a word
c. a genre: a type of text, story or film e.g. a novel, a poem, a romance
d. a bulletin: a news letter of an organisation or society; or a news update
e. corporate: of or connected to business and companies
f. coinage: the invention of a new word or phrase