Beijing's main road, the Chang’an Avenue, is getting a makeover ahead of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in October. The avenue received its last face-lift in 1999 for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of PRC.
在今年十月中华人民共和国建国60周年前夕, 北京市主干道长安街正进行全新整修。长安街上次整修是在1999年为庆祝50周年国庆而进行的。
在上面的报道中,face-lift就是指“整修、翻新、改造”,对一座城市来说就是指“市容改造”。此外,face-lift还常用来表示“整容;改版”。例如:Calvin has had a face-lift and looks much younger(卡尔文做了面部整容手术,看起来年轻多了);His favorite newspaper is to get a face-lift as of January 1 next year.(他最爱看的一份报纸将于明年1月1日起改版)。
据报道,长安街整修之后,不仅replace lights(更换了路灯), phone booths(电话亭), trash cans(垃圾桶), newspaper billboards(新闻公告栏), bus signs(公交站牌) and benches(长椅) on both sides of the road,还whitewash exteriors of buildings along the thoroughfare.(粉刷了沿路建筑的外墙)。