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来源:新东方 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

23. According to the talk, how would parents view their children's adolescence?

24. Which of the following is not a stress-related phenomenon for teenagers?

25. According to the speaker, what kind of messages can children get today?

26. What has contributed to the increase of the level of stress?


A: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. Won't you take a seat? That's an attractive shirt, is that new?

B: Fairly, I got it last month for my birthday.

A: It's very nice. Mr. Brown, I've been enjoying working with you, and you certainly have made some significant contributions. Today, however, I need to speak with you about a problem I have observed. When we are done speaking, I anticipate that we will have a solution worked out for this problem. Does that sound reasonable to you?

B: Sure, this must be serious. You are so formal.

A: Yes, Mr. Brown. During the past month, I have observed you returning late from lunch on 5 different occasions. I have the specific deeds listed here.

B: Hey, I wasn't late, I was running errands.

A: Mr. Brown, I'm going to give you a chance to respond in just a minute. I need you to listen first. If we interrupt each other, we aren't going to get anywhere.

B: Okay.

A: I first observed this change in behavior last month, but I ignored it, assuming that you were engaging in work related activities. However, the end of the month reports came in, and they reviewed a definite drop in your productivity, and significant increase in errors. I spoke with you on the 3rd, and the 17th.

On each occasion, the smell of alcohol was obvious. Today, the smell of alcohol is obvious. Drinking while on the job is strictly against company policy. Is there a reason for this change in your behavior?

B: There is no change in behavior. I only had one beer at lunch. That's not a crime, is it?

A: I'd like this to be a problem solving session, not a warning session. You are a valuable employee, and I'd like it to stay that way. I'd like to help you, but you have to be willing to be truthful. Would you like to talk about this with a professional councilor?

B: If you think that would help.

A: I don't know if it will help. That part is up to you. But I'm willing to work with you. Here's the telephone number of Dr. Laurence. I'd like you to call him and set up an appointment. In the mean time, you must understand that alcohol during working hours is strictly forbidden. Failure to observe this rule will lead to dismissal. May I count on you to observe this rule?

B: I'll do my best.

27. What does the man think of the woman's opening remark?

28. According to the conversation, what has the woman observed recently?

29. What does the woman suggest to help solve the problem?

30. What is the company rule according to the woman?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
truthful ['tru:θfəl]


adj. 诚实的,真实的

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]


n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件

stripped [stript]


adj. 剥去的 v. 剥夺(strip的过去分词形式)

consensus [kən'sensəs]


n. 共识,一致,合意
n. [生理]交感

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

carefree ['kɛəfri:]


adj. 无忧无虑的,不负责的

observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

invention [in'venʃən]


n. 发明,发明物,虚构,虚构物

intend [in'tend]


vt. 想要,计划,打算,意指







