成语中英翻译精选 第142期:扶危济困
中英俚语俗语来源:水浒记传奇:“宋公明他扶危济困隐功曹。”同义词:见义勇为 Do a good turn. -
成语中英翻译精选 第141期:敷衍了事
eg:You huddle over your duty by your yes or no but no explanation to my question. -
成语中英翻译精选 第140期:风驰电掣
eg:The speeding motorcycle passed in front of us with lightening speed.中英俚语俗语来源:六韬·龙韬:“风驰电掣,不知所由。” -
成语中英翻译精选 第139期:奋不顾身
中英俚语俗语来源:司马迁·报任少卿书:“常思奋不顾身,以殉国家之急。”同义词:舍得一身刷 To tempt providence. -
成语中英翻译精选 第138期:分庭抗礼
中英俚语俗语来源:庄子·渔父:“万乘之主,千乘之君,未尝不分庭优礼。”同义词:大相径庭 At odds with. -
成语中英翻译精选 第137期:分秒必争
eg:We must hurry up to get to the airport in time, every minute counts.同义词:只争朝夕 Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. -
成语中英翻译精选 第136期:分道扬镳
eg:The friends parted company because their diference in interests.同义词:各行其是 Have one's own way. -
成语中英翻译精选 第135期:肺腑之言
eg:I am speaking my conscience to you in giving you my suggestion.中英俚语俗语来源:史记:“田蚡以肺腑为京师相。” -
成语中英翻译精选 第134期:非同小可
中英俚语俗语来源:元曲选·魔合罗:“人命事关天关地,非同小可。”同义词:不可轻视 Not to be sneezed at. -
成语中英翻译精选 第133期:飞黄腾达
中英俚语俗语来源:韩愈诗:“飞黄腾踏去,不能顾瞻蜍。”同义词:平步青云 Skyrocket to fame. -
成语中英翻译精选 第132期:防患于未然
eg:Thieves is common in this area. Better lock the door as prevention is better than cure.中英俚语俗语来源:汉书·外戚传:“事不当固争,防祸于未然。” -
成语中英翻译精选 第131期:方兴未艾
eg:The reform was nipped in the bud.同义词:欣欣向荣 Flourish like the green bay-tree. -
成语中英翻译精选 第130期:返老还童
eg:Leonard joined the football team at the age of sixty, he was then in his second childhood.中英俚语俗语来源:神仙传:“八公曰,王薄我老,今则少矣,八公皆变为童子。” -
成语中英翻译精选 第129期:反复无常
中英俚语俗语来源:汉书:“齐夸诈多变,反覆之国。 ”同义词:变幻莫测 The wind keeps not always at one quarter. -
成语中英翻译精选 第128期:发人深省
每日一句口语 第1305期:人们选择离开不是
Sometimes people choose to leave not -
每日一句口语 第1306期:生活,与其等待暴
Life isn't about waiting for the - 3
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