第319课:Do you like to gamble sometimes?
Yes. I enjoy sports betting and I actually make a nice profit on a regular basis.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第318课:What are the advantages and disadvantages of b
Vegetarians must eat a sufficient variety and quantity of non-meat products to provide2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第317课:Why are fruits and vegetables good for our hea
Eating a diet fortified with lots of fruits and vegetables2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第316课:What qualities are most important in a friend?
Well, having friends is one of the greatest things that happen to us.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第315课:Why do some friendships fall apart?
Friendships fall apart for many reasons.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第314课:How do you make friends in a new environment?
Making friends isn't really all that hard.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第313课:Do you make friends easily?
I'm pretty good at making friends,2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第312课:Do you have any childhood friendships that are
Yes I have 3 closest childhood friends.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第311课:Would you say that food defines a culture?
I don't know about defines, but food certainly reflects a culture.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第310课:What is the best way to avoid eating unhealthy
Get rid of everything unhealthy hanging around in your cabinets.2018-10-31 编辑:villa 标签:
第309课:Which country do you think has the worst food?
I think the food in the USA is pretty dismal on the average2018-10-23 编辑:villa 标签:
第308课:Which country do you think has the best food?
I may be biased but I have to say that Philippine cuisine is heavenly.2018-10-23 编辑:villa 标签:
第307课:Are there any food that you wouldn't eat as a
There are lots of things I eat now that I didn't as a child!?2018-10-23 编辑:villa 标签:
第306课:Do you sometimes eat fast food?
I use to eat fast food every day up until I was 35.2018-10-23 编辑:villa 标签:
第305课:Why are people afraid of going to the dentist?
Mouth is a very personal part of our body.2018-10-19 编辑:villa 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3