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中级美国英语 Lesson 22: 过去进行式when与while

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在英文里过去时态是用来表示在过去某个时间里发生的事情; 而过去进行时 态是用来表示在过去的一个动作已经发生的时候另外一个动作正在进行中.

这种句子只有在对话中才能够单独存在, 所以我们必须在刚才练习过的过去 进行式句子后面分别加上一个用 when, w-h-e-n, when 开头的短句来说明过 去两个动作的先后程序. 比方 "交通警察在写罚款单给我的时候,交通就开始 拥挤起来了" 这句话应该这样说: The rush hour started when the police officer was giving me a traffic ticket.

现在我们来作一组练习, 把刚才学过的句子加上时间短句. 练习的作法是先 由老师念一个有时间短句的过去进行式句子,然后你会听到一个简短的答覆, 请你根据你所听到的来回答问题. 首先我们举一个例子:

M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?

F: 55 miles per hour

F: I was going 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.

好, 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Were you parking in the wrong place when you got a traffic ticket?

F: No

F: No, I wasn't parking in the wrong place when I got a traffic ticket.

M: Were you driving too fast when you got a traffic ticket?

F: Yes

F: Yes, I was driving too fast when I got a traffic ticket.

M: How fast were you going when the police officer stopped you?

F: 55 miles per hour

F: I was driving 55 miles per hour when the police officer stopped me.

M: Were you trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped you?

F: Yes

F: Yes, I was trying to get home before the rush hour when the police officer stopped me.

M: Was the police officer giving you a ticket when the rush hour started?

F: Yes

F: Yes, the police officer was giving me a ticket when the rush hour started.

下面我们用代换方式作另外一组练习. 在这组练习里用 when 开头的短句包含 的是过去进行时态动词, 比方亨利问凯特: "在你超速的时候你知道时速限制 是多少吗?" Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding? 这个练习谈 的都是亨利问凯特关于她开车超速的时候的事情. 在这组练习里, 你可以学到 跟交通有关系的几个词, 比方 "时速限制" speed limit, s-p-e-e-d l-i-m-i-t, speed limit, "规则" regulation, r-e-g-u-l-a-t-i-o-n, regulation, "交通标志" traffic sign, t-r-a-f-f-i-c s-i-g-n, traffic sign, "交通信号灯" traffic light, t-r-a-f-f-i-c l-i-g-h-t, traffic light, "公路" highway, h-i-g-h-w-a-y, highway 等等. 现在我们开始作练习.

M: Did you know the speed limit when you were speeding?

M: did you know the regulation

F: Did you know the regulation when you were speeding?

M: did you see the police car

F: Did you see the police car when you were speeding?

M: did you see the traffic sign

F: Did you see the traffic sign when you were speeding?

M: did you see the traffic light

F: Did you see the traffic light when you were speeding?

M: what was the speed limit

F: What was the speed limit when you were speeding?

M: how was the traffic

F: How was the traffic when you were speeding?

M: were you on the highway

F: Were you on the highway when you were speeding?

M: were you in a hurry

F: Were you in a hurry when you were speeding?


现在我们来学习用 while, w-h-i-l-e, while 作表明时间的过去进行语态短句. 这 个字跟我们学过的 when 意思相同,但是在用法上有一些区别. while 只能跟进 行语态一起用, 而 when 不受这个限制. 一般说来过去的两个动作同时都在进 行的时候比较常用 while.

下面我们来作一组练习, 内容还是谈到亨利问凯特有关她被交通警察拦下来 的事情. 现在请你根据亨利问的问题作肯定的答覆.每作完一句就请你听正确 的答案.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
govern ['gʌvən]


vt. 统治,支配,管理,规定
vi. 统治,

regulation [.regju'leiʃən]


n. 规则,规章,管理
adj. 规定的,官方

dormitory ['dɔ:mitri]


n. 集体宿舍





