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中级美国英语 Lesson 49: 家庭生活有关的词汇

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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下面我们练习 make up, m-a-k-e u-p, make up 的用法. 这个词组可以用来表示 "和好如初". 现在老师用这个词组提出一些有关南希跟史蒂夫的问题,比方"如 果他们不彼此怨恨,他们会不会和好如初呢?" Would they make up if they didn't resent each other? 然后老师提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定 或否定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Have Nancy and Steve always made up before?

M: yes

F: Yes, Nancy and Steve have always made up before.

M: Are they willing to make up this time?

M: no

F: No, they are not willing to make up this time.

M: Would they need a separation if they were willing to make up?

M: no

F: No, they wouldn't need a separation if they were willing to make up.

M: Would they make up if they didn't resent each other?

M: yes

F: Yes, they would make up if they didn't resent each other.

M: Would it be better for their daughter if they made up?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would be better for their daughter if they made up.


下面我们学习用make up one's mind 来表示 "打定主意". 比方有一句话: "南希 已经决定不跟史蒂夫和解." 这句话的英文可以这样说:Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.

现在我们作一组代换练习学学这个常用语. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接 着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里的句子都 是说到南希决定怎么样处理她的婚姻和家庭问题. 现在请你注意听, 并且跟学 生一起作练习.

M: Nancy has made up her mind to break up her marriage.

M: not to reconcile with Steve

F: Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.

M: to get a separation

F: Nancy has made up her mind to get a separation.

M: to be a single parent

F: Nancy has made up her mind to be a single parent.

M: to keep her daughter

F: Nancy has made up her mind to keep her daughter.

M: to take the responsibility

F: Nancy has made up her mind to take the responsibility.


下面我们学习怎么用 work out, w-o-r-k o-u-t, work out. 这个词组可以用来表示 "解决"; 比方 "他们不能够解决彼此间的歧见." They cannot work out their differences. 也可以用来表示 "顺利"; 比方 "他们的婚姻不顺利." Their marriage isn't working out. 下面老师问学生一些跟南希的婚姻生活有关系的问题.每问一 个问题, 老师就会提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定或否定的答 覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你一起作.

M: Can Nancy and Steve work out their problems?

M: no

F: No, Nancy and Steve cannot work out their problems.

M: Can they work out their differences?

M: no

F: No, they cannot work out their differences.

M: Is their marriage working out?

M: no

F: No, their marriage isn't working out.

M: Would it work out if they didn't resent each other?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would work out if they didn't resent each other.

M: Would it work out if they reconciled?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would work out if they reconciled.

关键字: 宫崎骏 写作




