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美语咖啡屋 Lesson 16: Biker Culture

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Y: 我听说这些摩托车爱好者之间有很多虽然不是明文规定,但是大家都要遵守的规则,是吗?

J: Exactly. Bikers live by an unwritten code of ethics. You know, they stick together and are very loyal to their friends, family and fellow bikers, even if they don't know them.

Y: 我想这就是为什么人们喜欢聚在一起,因为他们可以找到有共同爱好,可以信任的人。

J: That's such a good point. That's why people join communities like the bikers -- to find that loyalty. Again here is Gino.

实录3 Gino: We all feel akin to each other. You know you see someone broken down on the side of the road there's a biker you always stop to help (th)'em. And traditionally when you see bikers, bikers always wave to each whether you know each other or not just to say hi.


J: OK, Yang Chen, I'm going to give you a quick motorcycle quiz.

Y: 你要考我,好啊。

J: What do you think it means when a biker pats the top of his or her helmet?

Y: 如果一个骑摩托车的人拍一拍头盔是什么意思。让我想想。

J: 好。What do you think?

Y: 我知道了。一定是他在提醒对面那个骑摩托车的人前面有一个卖冰激淋的店!

J: Ice cream shop? No, no, no. But I know where you mind is. What it means is to slow down if you are speeding because there is policeman up ahead.

Y: 真的?可见他们骑摩托车经常超速。

J: I don't know. But just in case. Just in case they are speeding. OK, here is another question, Yang Chen. What motorcycle do you think bikers most love to ride?

Y: 这个我知道,一定是本田。

J:No, no, wrong answer. You failed the motorcycle quiz.

Y: 啊, 我又错了?

J: It's the Harley Davidson, a bike named after the two Americans who invented it. Let's introduce Terry, Gino's business partner, as he shows us his pride and joy.

Terry: It's a 2003 Harley Davidson Fatboy.

Y: Wow!

J: Yeah. Wow.

Y: 其实我根本不知道2003年Harley Davidson Fatboy是什么。听起来象一种汉堡包。

J: It does sound like a hamburger. But here is Terry to tell us what it really is.

实录4 Terry and Jody:

Terry: It's the oldest American bike in existence.

Jody: What's it like to ride it?

Terry: It's more fun that you could ever imagine.

Jody: I think so.

Terry: You have to ride one. You ride one and you'll know what it's like.

(Enter music ZZ Top "La Grange")

Y: Terry说的没错。你要想知道骑摩托车的滋味,就必须亲身体验一下。好,我们今天的时间到了,谢谢大家收听美语咖啡屋,我们下次再见。

J: See you next time on American Cafe.





