n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队
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Amber: Ted, you know how all along you've been in charge of all the lyrics for our band?
Ted: that's right, Amber. Everybody loves my songs!
Amber: well, I hope they'll love my songs too.
Ted: but you don't write songs.
Amber: I'm sick and tried of singing your songs all the time. I want to sing my own songs!
Ted: Okay, no need to freak out! First things first. Have you written a song yet?
Amber: yes, as a matter of fact, I have.
Ted: well, let's hear it then.
Amber: okay, but it's still a work in progress.
Ted: stop trying to buy time. Let's hear the song!
Amber: my boyfriend is crazy. Crazy about baking cookies. I know for sure that there is no cure…
Ted: cut it out! Stop teasing me. I am cured.
Amber: all better?
Ted: yes. I'll never bake another cookie again. My parents made a fortune. Now we can all just chill out!

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