adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的
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B: Hi, Mary, can I have a minute?
M: sure, what's up?
B: well, actually I want to tell you that I've put in notice.
M: really? Why?
B: many reasons. I've been here for too long. Next year will be my five-year anniversary. I want a change of setting. Besides, our company is downsizing. I don't want to stay on just to be let go.
M: but they wouldn't lay you off! You are the most experienced project manager in the company.
B: maybe. But that's not kept the new boss from berathing down my neck. To be honest, I've got a better offer from another company.
M: oh that's great, congratulations! What's your new position?
B: senior director of market research. In addition to a nice pay rise it has some nice perks, like a company car, one month paid vacation,and an apartment downtown. And it's an international company so I'll have lots of chances to travel and meet new people. I'm really looking forward to it.
M: sounds a great opportunity. I bet that made the decision to leave a lot easier.
B: indeed. But let's stay in touch. I'll let you know how things go.
M: sure.

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