n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
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Sam: this party rocks!
Roy: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top pf that, there are so many hot girls here!
S: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I;m in love!
R: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress?
S: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh?
R: yeah! She could do anything she wants with me!
S: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice.
R: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league.
S: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try.
R: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game.
S: all right. But I think you ought to move soon.
R: why?
S: I can see five other guys eying her up.
R: okay, here I go!
S: good luck!

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