Iris: Mon and I got in another fight, Boris.
Boris: oh, Iris! what was it about this time?
I: it was over food. I simply wanted some fried chicken but she said no.
B: I believe she was right. You must know that fried foods contain a lot of fat.
I: oh, she keeps saying that. She never allows me to have them.
B: I think you'd better take her advice since health is the greatest wealth.
I: But, Boris, i am not a baby any more.
B: well, that's true.
I: how about your mother?
B: she also believes in healthy diet. And she requires us to have regular meals.
I: poor you. It seems we are in the same boat.
B: Oh, i am grateful for my mother on this point. her idea of healthy eating helps me a lot keeping fit.
I: really? so you don't have fried food at all.
B: not really. I may have some occasionally for a chance. But I don't indulge myself too much.
I: how do you manage it?
B: it's pretty simple, Iris. Just keep it in mind that"you're what you eat."