n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法
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K: Julie, what's on the tube?
J: nothing but tons of commercials. These days the amount of commercials is amazing.
K: yeah. Maybe we can change to another channel. what about the sports channel? Let's see if there's a game on.
J: okay. Nope, it's a replay of yesterday's soccer match between Brazil and Spain.
k: it was a good game, but not good enough to watch again. Keep surfing.
J: alright. Hmm,this movie is a rerun...I don't know how many times I've seen this show...Commercial again...and a replay of the talk show...oh no,
this show is terrible, you don't wanna watch it.
K:ok, what is it?
J: it's a total rip-off of an American reality show, but the imitation is unbearably clumsy.
K: oh, I know this kind of shows. Sometimes they really piss me off. If I wanted reality,I'd go outside.
J: yeah...it seems what we have on TV now are either repeats, or commercials, or low-quality shows. There's really nothing to watch.
K: I don't get it. We have more than 100 channels and there's still nothing good on! Maybe we should just turn off the TV, get outside, and do something real.
J: cool.

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