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看Desperate Housewives学地道美语(1)

来源:影视英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

11.Susan Meyer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese.
Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the
only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. It was too
salty the night she and Carl moved into their new house.
macaroni and cheese:干酪通心面,看看图就知道一定很美味了。
teased her about:因….取笑她

12.JULIE: Mom, why would someone kill themselves?
SUSAN: Well, sometimes people are so unhappy they think it's the only way they can solve their problems.
JULIE: But Mrs. Young always seemed happy.
SUSAN: Yeah, sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside and they're totally different on the inside.

13.MARY ALICEto SUSAN) So? What did Carl say when you confronted him?
SUSAN: You'll love this, he said it doesn't mean anything, it was just sex.
BREE: Oh yes, page one of the philanderer's handbook.
SUSAN: Yeah, and then he got this Zen look on his face, and he said, you know Susan, most men live lives of quiet desperation.
LYNETTE: Please tell me you punched him.
SUSAN: No, I said, really? And what do most women lead, lives of noisy fulfillment?
MARY ALICE: Good for you.
SUSAN: I mean, of all people, did he have to bang his secretary? I had that woman over for brunch。
GABRIELLE: It's like my grandmother always said, an erect penis doesn't have a conscience.
LYNETTE: Even the limp ones aren't that ethical.
BREE: This is half the reason I joined the NRA. Well, when Rex startedgoing to those medical conferences, I wanted at the back of his mindthat he had a loving wife at home, with a loaded Smith and Wesson.
Confront:使面临, 对抗 philanderer:爱和女人调情的男人,玩弄女性的男人
philanderer's handbook:花花公子类型的杂志。
当SUSAN把CARL的婚外情告诉她的朋友时,每个人发出了不同的表态。当MARY ALICE问到CARL是怎么面对她的质问时,CARL的回答是那只不过是性,呵呵,几乎每个男人都是这么回答的。LYNETTE问到SUSAN 有没有去揍他,SUSAN说没有。
Good for you:在这里不是解释“对你来说是好的”,而是“你说得对”的意思。很常用的一个句子,大家可以在日常生活中用到,简单的句子,但能看出你很有口语感。
GABY的话绝对有意思,“It's like my grandmother always said, an erect penisdoesn't have a conscience.”不知道看我笔记的人都是什么年龄的,这里我就不直翻了。大家可以自己去理解。

14.SUSAN: I don't know.I'm sorry you guys, I just... I just don't know how I'm going to survive this.
Survive:幸免于, 幸存, 生还 这里可以解释为度过。SUSAN很沮丧,她不知道该如果度过这段日子。很常用的单词。

15.We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that's how we find out just how strong we really are.



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