Why don't you just mind your own beeswax, huh? 你就不能看着自己碗里的?
I'm thinking, breaking into a building isn't too far outside your wheelhouse. 我在想打入一栋楼对你来说应该不在话下吧?
【wheelhouse本义是舵手室,在俚语里表示特殊技能。in one's wheelhouse就表示在能力范围之内。】
The plug was going to be pulled on the entire operation. 整个调查本来就此终结的。
Well, when we go out there and risk our necks, you can collect your pension. 我们在外面抛头颅洒热血,你在家坐享其成。
You guys must have some big-time friends. 你们跟一些大人物很熟啊。
How much time are you looking at? 你会判几年?
We're in. 我们加入了。
No games and no stunts. 别玩什么花招。