M: hey, George. How's everything going?
G: not bad. And you?
M: not bad, but busy as usual.
G: what are you up to?
M: it's a long story. What's your plan for the National Day Holiday?
G: I'm going back to Shanxi. Do you think I can get a train ticket tonight, 9 days in advance?
M: sure you can. You can book the ticket up to 10 days in advance.
G: you know. It's hard to get a train ticket during the long holiday.
M: dead right! I saw a long line of people waiting to buy tickets at the ticket office the other day.
G: tell me about it! I can't help worrying what I'll do if I can't get a ticket.
M: it's always a headache buying tickes during the Golden Week.
G: but my cousin is getting married, so I'll have to just get through it.
M: you'll probably have to wait at least two hours.
G: I'm afraid you're right. I should go. See you around.
M: bye. Good luck.