Jade: do you remember where you were for the terrorist attacks on 9-11?
Sam: yes, I was in my apartment in Beijing. Where were you?
J: I was at home with my parents in New York City.
S: really? Did you see the hijacked planes crash into and destroy the twin towers?
J: I didn't see the crash itself, but I did see the smoke and everything afterwards from my parents' apartment building.
S: that must have been horrible. Did you go out at all that day to see what was going on?
J: no, we decided to stay in our apartment. With all the buses out of service and the underground trains at a halt, many people had no choice but to walk home. It was utter chaos.
S: did you know anyone who worked in the World Trade Center?
J: yes, my uncle's firm had an office in one of the towers.
S: did he survive?
J: unfortunately, he wasn't able to evacuate in time. He ended up dying in the tower.
S: I'm sorry. That must have really been a nightmarish day for you and your family.
J: it was. The hijackers didn't have any respect for human life not even their own.
S: terrorist acts are deliberate and deadly and can affect every walk of life.