Catherine辛辛苦苦为公司跑下来一个项目,但在聚餐时老板口口表扬的却是另一位同事,Catherine被冷落一旁。Tom见此情景,深感不平,就对Catherine说:What a raw deal! It's you that have made the job done.
"a raw deal" refers to an act that is not just, that is, an unfair treatment, and the opposite expression is "a fair deal".
What a raw deal! 卑鄙!
在商务谈判中我们会经常用到deal这个词,意思是“交易,成交“,我们经常说的make a deal意思就是”一笔交易”。raw意思是”生的,原始的,未经加工的“,通常用来形容材料,raw material意思是”原材料“。raw和deal放在一起,raw deal原来指“不不公平或骗人的交易”,引申含义就是“卑鄙的行为”。当我们感到有人的行为很卑鄙时,我们就可以说:What a raw deal!(真卑鄙啊!)

Shirley:What a raw deal! I deserve the promotion more than he does.
Benjamin:I know. He got the promotion by kissing up to the boss.
背景音乐:Scarborough fair