Would you mind...? vs Stop it!
如果有人做你不喜欢的事,而且可能还很不礼貌?你该怎样阻止他们呢?要想得到理想中的结果,不用大声叫嚣"Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!",只要客气对他们说,"Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?"
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Would you mind...? vs Stop it!
如果有人做你不喜欢的事,而且可能还很不礼貌?你该怎样阻止他们呢?要想得到理想中的结果,不用大声叫嚣"Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!",只要客气对他们说,"Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?"