1. We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines. 我们在机场看杂志消磨时间。
2. There are money exchanges at all international airports, but it will probably be inconvenient for you to stop and exchange money when you arrive. 所有的国际机场都有货币兑换处,但你到达时还钱可能不太方便。
3. A passenger should arrive at the airport within the time limit set by the carrier and check in beforehand by showing his or her ticket and valid identity card. 旅客必须在承运人规定的时限内抵达机场,凭机票及本人有效身份证办理登机手续。
while away: 消磨(时间)。while在此处是动词,表示“消磨”。比如:I was glad of his company to while away an hour until the train came. 在等车的一个小时中,有他做伴消磨时间我很高兴。