Dan: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Dan. 大家好,欢迎收听地道英语节目。我是丹。
Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。Dan have you arranged everything for the office party tomorrow? 明天办公室聚会的一切事宜你都安排妥当了吧?
Dan: The party? Oh absolutely. 聚会呀?没问题。
Feifei: You remembered to book the restaurant? 你没忘了订酒店吧?
Dan: Uh-huh. 嗯。
Feifei: Because it's really important that it's been reserved. 你可千万要记住订一个桌子,否则明天晚上的晚餐聚会就没戏了, 这个非常重要。
Dan: Really important. Gotcha. 很重要,Gotcha.
Feifei: Gotcha? Gotcha 什么意思?
Dan: Gotcha. It means I understand. It's short for I've got you. Gotcha意思就是“我明白了”,是I've got you的简短说法。
Feifei: Ah gotcha. Gotcha 的意思就是懂了,明白了。So if you understand something you can say gotcha. Is it rude? 那么一件事情你懂了的话就可以说gotcha。会不会不太礼貌?
Dan: Well, it's very informal. You wouldn't hear it in a very polite conversation. Let's hear some examples of people using the phrase gotcha. 这是一种非正式的说法,不会出现在很礼貌的谈话中。我们来看几个例子。
A: Don't forget to post those letters – they're really important.
B: Gotcha; I'll do that right now.
Dan: So gotcha there means I understand. But it can also be used to show you've just played a joke on someone. 因此gotcha意思就是我明白了,也可以用来表示你只是在跟某人开玩笑。
Feifei: 我们和某人开玩笑,那个人当真了,这时我们就可以说 gotcha.
A: Hey did you know that they're adding Brad Pitt's face to Mount Rushmore? 你知道吗?布拉德皮特的头像被雕刻到拉什莫尔山上了。
B: No way! That's incredible! 不会吧!怎么可能!
A: Ahh gotcha! They're not really! 哈!是假的。
A: Hey these tickets are really cheap! 嘿!这票很便宜啊。
B: Yeah, but the gotcha is that the flights are really early. 是啊,不过比赛开始的太早了。
Dan: In that last example gotcha wasn't being used to show that he was playing a joke, but instead that there was a catch or a hitch. Although the tickets were cheap, the gotcha was that the flights were really early. 在第二个例子中gotcha并不表示开玩笑,而是隐藏的问题、困难、圈套。这句的意思是虽然门票便宜,但问题是比赛开始的太早了。
Feifei: So gotcha 也有隐情,圈套的意思。
Dan: Right, I better go now Feifei. I've got to book the table for tomorrow. 菲菲,我要走了。我得去酒店订一张桌子。
Feifei: What? You said you'd booked it already! 什么?你不是说已经订好了吗?
Dan: Ahh gotcha! Of course I have. 骗你的!我当然早就订好了。
Feifei: Ugh. Don't forget to check out more Authentic Real English on our website bbcukchina.com. 请大家更多的关注我们的节目。
Dan: Bye! 再见!
Feifei: Bye! 再见!