一、边听边学 Listen and Learn
rack one's brains 绞尽脑汁,想尽办法
keep head above water筹措所需费用以度过
hard up 经济拮据
put up a good front 强颜欢笑
see daylight 顺利
moola 钱
bail one out 帮助
a drop in the bucket 一小笔
back on one's feet 恢复经济上的独立
二、边听边说 Listen and Speak
A: I’m racking my brains to find a way to keep my head above water.
B: I didn’t know you were hard up.
A: I put up a good front but I haven’t seen daylight for a long time.
B: I’ll give you some moola to bail you out.
A: That’s just a drop in the bucket. I need too much to get back on my feet.
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