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来源:可可英语 编辑:Richard   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Hi, 可可英语的网友们大家好!欢迎跟随Rose一起,听故事,学英语。今天,我们将听到的是一个小偷遇上了贼的故事。

A man was driving his pickup truck from Colorado to New Mexico. It was raining cats and dogs. The man saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road and gave him a lift. The hitchhiker said his nickname was Tear Drop. Under his left eye was a tattoo in the shape of a tear drop.

After a while, the driver was hungry. He stopped at Furr's Supermarket, leaving Tear Drop and his keys in the truck. In the supermarket he took several packages of cookies and chips and hid them in his coat pockets. In a hurry, he walked toward the exit without paying. But the store manager caught him red-handed. "I saw you shoplift. "Give me that food," he said. The manager then escorted him out of the supermarket.

They came out just in time to see Tear Drop taking off in the pickup. The police are still looking for Tear Drop.

一天,一个人开着自己的敞篷小货车在雨中行驶。雨呢,大的是 “raining cats and dogs”,意思是 “rain very hard”或者 “rain heavily。”

途中,他遇到了一个hitchhiker,一个想要搭便车的旅行者,于是,这个人gave him a lift。Give somebody a lift 意思是 “让某人搭便车”,lift作名词用时本身就有 “顺便搭载”的意思。再比如:He gave me a lift to the station. 他让我搭便车去车站。

搭车的人自称绰号为 “泪滴”,因为他的左眼下有一个泪滴形状的纹身。Tattoo,纹身的意思。

Catch red-handed意为catch someone who is committing a crime抓到了一个正在犯罪的人。我们一般翻译为 “当场抓获”。再比如:The police find the thief putting his hand into the old lady 's pocket and catch him red-handed. 警察发现这个小偷把手伸进那位老太太的口袋,当场就把他抓住。

店主说,I saw you shoplift。Shoplift something 意思是steal something from a store,词义就是 “从商店中偷商品”。例如:I accept that he was caught shoplifting but there's no need to keep rubbing his nose in it. 我承认他在冒充顾客进商店行窃时被抓住过,但也没必要老是提起他的过失行为。

They came out just in time to see Tear Drop taking off in the pickup. Take off, 这个短语有很多意思,比如“将衣服脱掉”,take off the coat,“飞机起飞”,The plane will take off soon. 在本文中,take off是它常用的另一个意思,“leave a place离开某处”。再比如:He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working as though (he is) about take off . 在工作的时候,他总是坐在椅子很靠边的位置,就好像要马上离开的样子。

听完故事,感觉可气可笑,更可惜了Tear Drop这么琼瑶的名字居然用在了一个偷车贼身上。好了,不感慨了。还是下期接着听故事吧。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

shoplift ['ʃɔplift]


v. 从商店中偷商品

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平






