1.No brainer显而易见的事,不假思索就能想到的好主意
例句-1:Everybody knows it's smart to sell stocks when they start to go down and to buy them when they start to go up. That's a real no brainer—even a little kid can figure that out.
2.Push the envelope 挑战极限;接近甚至超越安全限度;越过底线
Push the envelope。大家也许都熟悉envelope这个词,知道它的意思是信封。但是在push the envelope这个习惯用语里,envelope可不是信封的意思。它是个技术性的词汇,指机械或其它设备的性能范围,或者功用极限。比方说,如果一辆汽车的设计规格为最高时速一百八十公里,但是你却以一百九十公里的时速驾驶这辆车,那么你就是在push the envelope,超越它的性能范围了,或者是在玩命了。但是push the envelope这个习惯用语的应用范围并不局限于机械工程。它也转用到日常生活中,用来指人际关系的紧张化。请听这个例子:
例句-2:He pushed the envelope when he hit his wife at the party after getting drunk. She asked for divorce the next day.
adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的