Narrator: 已经过了下班时间了。Anna 一个人还在 Tip Top Trading 公司里工作。这个星期每天都是这样,她想把给 Mr Lime 的演讲作的百分之百的漂亮。 Err Anna?
Anna: Don't interrupt! I'm busy.
Narrator: Woah!
Anna: Sorry.
Narrator: Anna, you're really burning the candle at both ends. Anna 两头都在烧蜡烛。
Anna: What?
Narrator: Burning the candle at both ends – 这个短语的意思就是工作的时间很长,起早摸黑的。
Anna: Oh. I didn't know that expression. Do you have any other ones?
Narrator: You're doing overtime, 你在加班。 You're putting in the hours 你把时间都加进去了, 意思是你把所有时间都放在了这件事情上。
Anna: Yes, I'm putting in the hours to make sure my presentation is perfect.
Narrator: And if you don't mind me saying so, you might burn out, 你会被烧掉的,这个短语的意思是这么干下去,你迟早会累趴下的。
Anna: I'm not burning out. I'm full of energy. I just need to finish ... this bit...
Denise: My goodness, nothing's locked. Do you think we've been burgled?
Tom: Oh no! I left my lap-book and my me-pad on the desk... and my i-top – they're worth thousands! They're all the latest versions!
Denise: I left out my elephant mug and my lady-curve nail file. They better not have stolen them!
Anna: (having a nightmare, talking in her sleep) but it's premium, premium, faux-orange premium!
Tom: Anna?
Denise: It's Anna, she's asleep. Anna!
Anna: (wake up with a jump) Oh! Lemons! Denise? Tom?
Tom: Have you spent the night asleep at your desk Anna?
Anna: Is it morning? Oh dear, yes I think so.
Denise: Well, at least we haven't been burgled then.
Tom: Anna, you've really been burning the candle at both ends lately.
Denise: Yes, you've been doing hours and hours of overtime. Most people get their work done within office hours and anyway, we don't pay overtime here. You'll never find me working late!
Tom: Yes, I'd noticed that.
Anna: But this presentation must be perfect.
Denise: If you're not careful, you'll burn out! Then you'll really be of no use to anyone. You'll be as useful as a chocolate teapot.
Tom: It's good that you're putting in the hours Anna, but you should calm down. Look at me, I do very successful presentations without spending hours preparing.
Denise: Humphf!
Tom: In my presentation to Every Apple I just swooshed in with no preparation after a night on the town. I charmed them. They loved me!
Narrator: 这个傻瓜!我肯定他一定是花了很多时间准备,就是不肯承认。
Anna: Well, maybe you're right. I can't think clearly anymore, I'm so tired. I need to sleep properly, otherwise I'll end up trying to sell bananas instead of lemons.
Narrator: Anna 终于知道了她工作太长了。她需要有实际目标。让我们再来听一遍这几个形容工作狂的短语。
Burning the candle at both ends.
Doing overtime.
Putting in the hours.
Burning out.
好了,希望 Anna 在作演讲介绍时能有清晰的思路。我们下次节目再继续。再见。
问题:Denise 用了一个什么短语来形容 Anna 将失去利用价值,帮不了任何人的忙。
vAnna 建议给本月订Imperial Lemon 皇家仿真柠檬产品的客户们多少折扣?
答案: 20%的折扣。