ESLPod.com presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode two.
She ends her answer by saying, "I think that my current skills and abilities are a good match with the current needs of this company."
When she says her "skills are a good match," "match,"
she means that they're a good connection-a good fit between her skills and what the company needs so that they complement each other-they combine well.
She says they're a good match with the current needs of the company.
The needs are the things the company requires.
It's a noun; it can also be a verb, to need something.
Here it means this is what the company needs-this is what they don't have now, and I have some of those things.
Now let's listen to the sample answer, this time at a normal speed.
I've been with Lotadoe for over five years and I've enjoyed working there.
I learned a lot about software development and how to work effectively with my colleagues.
About two years ago, I began getting interested in other aspects of design and started learning about new ways that the field is creating and developing new designs.
I completed training that qualifies me to oversee other types of projects than the ones I work on now at Lotadoe.
That's why I'm now looking for a company that will allow me to more fully utilize my new skills and where I can take on new challenges.
What I see in this position is also the opportunity for growth and advancement.
I think that my current skills and abilities are a good match with the current needs of this company.
Now we're going to listen to another sample answer to the question:
"Why did you leave you last job, and why are you looking for a new job?"
First, we'll listen to this at a slow speed, followed by an explanation of the answer and the vocabulary, and then again, at a normal speed.
Let's get started.
The primary reason I left Michmuney Company was because the company went through a restructuring and my position was eliminated.
Up to that point, however, I had a very good track record and received positive employee evaluations each of the three years I worked there.
Leaving Michmuney actually allowed me to make a career change that I had been thinking about for some time and that is more aligned with my career goals.