ESLPod.com presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode three.
He continues to say positive things about the company.
He says, "Their innovative thinking is in line with the best thinking in the field right now."
Their innovative or creative or new thinking-their new ideas-are in line with the best thinking in the field or the industry right now.
The expression in line, "line," with is similar to along the same lines as.
It means related to, similar to, compared to, so the two things are in line means they are a good match in some ways.
He also says that the company "has one of the best reputations in the industry for innovative thinking."
Your reputation, "reputation," is what people think of you.
So, when he says the company has a good reputation,
he's saying that people outside of the company think the company is a good company, they have a good impression or a good opinion of the company.
He also says that company takes seriously its "corporate responsibility for making a difference in local communities."
Many US companies try to do positive things for the area-the city or town where they live-and this is part of a general idea that we would call corporate responsibility.
Corporate refers to the company.
So, the company is taking a responsibility for doing something good for the local community-the place where the company is located-where they have their offices.
He continues his answer by saying that "As I learned more about the company and its growth potential, it became clear," or obvious, "to me that I may be able to make a significant contribution"-I may be able to give the company something because of my experience.
The expression growth potential is related to our previous discussion of this word, growth.
Potential means the ability to or the possibility that something will happen, so growth potential is the opportunity or ability or possibility that the company will become bigger.