Is the term “KTV” in use in any English-speaking country?
答:I found this to be quite odd as I&`&m a middle aged native English speaker and have travelled in the majority of the other English speaking countries of the world but had never seen this term before.
答:Never heard of it, native AmE.
答:I haven&`&t heard of it in England or the rest of the UK.
答:How do the Chinese pronounce KTV? Is it letter per letter, or one single word?
KTV:karaoke television, it is a common type of karaoke establishment(机构,场所)in China and consists of multiple rooms containing karaoke equipment, usually rented out for time periods. A typical karaoke box establishment contains a main karaoke bar area in the front and often sell refreshments.
KTV是karaoke television的缩写,是在中国比较常见的一个唱歌的地,里面有不同的含有唱歌设备的房间,分时段来出租。一般的KTV都会有一个酒水区,并且也经常卖茶点。