When your body is so on the edge of dying or on the edge of pain it's terrifying! But it comes down to a moment when you have to really think: Is this life going to be one you're going to be proud of, or not? There's always a way to make life better.
1.edge 边缘
edge (n.) 边缘
age (n.) 年龄
2.pain 痛楚
pain n.) 痛楚
painful (adj.) 疼痛的
pen (n.) 笔
pan (n.) 平底锅
paint (n.) 涂料
panting (adj.) 气喘吁吁的
3.terrifying 可怕的
terrifying (adj.) 可怕的
terrified (adj.) 畏惧的
4.down 向下
down (adv.) 向下
dawn (n.) 黎明
daunt (v.) 吓倒
5.moment 瞬间、片刻
moment (n.) 瞬间、片刻
momentum (n.) 气势、动力
momentarily (adv.) 短暂地