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全网最酷美语怎么说:第29期 出卖

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Brad:Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
Nick: 今天我们要讲的是词组是出卖。我们在生活中可能会对朋友开玩笑的说,诶你把我卖了,我刚跟你说别跟他说这个秘密。你怎么就转头就出卖我了。当然也可能会遇到严肃的情况,比如你被别人出卖了,比如卧底类的电视剧,老大暴露了,很可能就是被小弟出卖了,这个时候,出卖要怎么说呢?
Nick: Brad, can I ask you a question?
Brad: Sure. Go ahead.
Nick: I remember you are the only one who knows that I love Maddy. Why Jack was asking me if I like Maddy yesterday?
Brad: I don't know. You probably told him without noticing it?
Nick: Oh no I swear to god, no. I didn't tell him. I told him nothing.
Brad: I don't know. Jack is not really realizable. He ratted me out. When I was talking to Peiwei. You know Peiwei?
Nick: Yeah
Brad: I'm still talking to her a good thing. He ratted me out but it didn't affect that too much. But I told him that I really liked Peiwei.
Nick: He sold you out?
Brad: Within thirty minutes! This rat ratted me out and he messengered her like on Twitter, Facebook, Wechat.
Nick: Yeah Wechat. He probably just did that.
Brad: Yeah and thirty minutes later. Me telling him that I get a message from Peiwei, saying "hey, so you like me?" That still worked out in my favor. I didn't really appreciate him ratting me out.
Nick: That's not a good thing to do. Not at all.
Brad: No
Nick: So you can say "sell somebody out" or "rat somebody out", right? Or "rat on somebody"
Brad:懂了 (He wanted to say 对了)
Nick:Brad刚刚就是说,我们在聊一个人,我说你为什么把我跟你说的秘密转头就跟别人说了他说他没有。我说我也没有,可能是另一个人说的。Jack是我们的共同朋友,他可能出卖了我们,这个时候出卖就是说rat on me或者是rat me out或者是sell me out,三种形式都可以。So this is pretty much it for this time. I'll see you guys next time
Brad: 再见

重点单词   查看全部解释    
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





