You could resist the temptation to announce your goal. You can delay the gratification that the social acknowledgement brings, and you can understand that your mind mistakes the talking for the doing.
1.resist 反抗、抗拒
resist (n.) 反抗、抗拒
resistant (adj.) 抵抗的
assist (v.) 帮助
insist (v.) 坚持
persist (v.) 坚持、持续
2.temptation 诱惑
temptation (n.) 诱惑
tempt (v.) 诱惑
tempting (adj.) 诱惑人的、吸引人的
3.gratification 满足
gratification (n.) 满足
grateful (adj.) 感谢的
gratitude (n.) 感谢
4.acknowledgement 承认
acknowledgement (n.) 承认
acknowledge (v.) 承认