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Day 30:Lesson 16 The Channel Tunnel

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Lesson 16 The Channel Tunnel

1.tunnel/ˈtʌn.əl/ n. 隧道
2.port/pɔːrt/ n. 港口
词根:port- 表示搬运

3.ventilate/ˈven.t̬əl.eɪt/ v. 通风

4.chimney/ˈtʃɪ n. 烟囱
5.sea level 海平面
6.double/ˈdʌb.əl/ adj. 双的

7.ventilation/ˈven.t̬əl.eɪt/ n. 通风
8.fear/fɪr/ v. 害怕

9.invasion /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ n. 入侵,侵略

扩展:invade v. 入侵
10.officially/əˈfɪʃ.əl/ adv. 正式地
11.connect/kəˈnekt/ v. 连接
扩展:well-connected 人脉广的

12.European /ˌjʊr.əˈpiː.ən/ adj. 欧洲的
13.Continent /ˈkɑːn.t̬ən.ənt/ n. 大陆


In 1858, a French engineer, AimeThome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level. In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.

1.In 1858, a French engineer, AimeThome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel.

be planning to do something 计划做某事

2.He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.


He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel.


2)知识点2:serve as/double as

3.In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.

1) 知识点1:put forward 提出

2) 知识点2:提建议-被动语态
He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built.

4.Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent.

虚拟语气——would have been completed


What life advice would you give to a 17 year old?
This is a picture of me at 17 years old.

It was just after Christmas. I was up in Wisconsin with my family, where we go every year to do some snowmobiling.
That’s my brand new laptop I got as a present, intended of course to perform at the highest standards in college. But was that my plan?
Not at all.
That is a candid picture of me smiling and watching World of Warcraft videos of the top players in North America—my competition. And that is not after-Christmas glee on my face, enjoying a nice family vacation, but a competitive hunger. I couldn’t wait to get home, back to my desktop, where I could resume my dream of becoming a professional gamer.
I felt like time was running out.

This is a picture of me at 26 years old (taken just a few months ago).
I was walking between meetings. I had just quit my job. I didn’t have any clients lined up yet. I was trying to figure out how I was going to land some business.
I felt like time was running out.
The same advice I would give you is what I would tell my 17 year old self.
Whenever you are aiming for something, whenever you are working toward a goal, whenever you are looking toward the future and trying to build something, you will always, on some level, feel like time is running out.
But the truth is, you are always exactly where you need to be. And it takes a long time to learn, but patience is actually the best gift you could ever give yourself in the process.
When I was 17 years old, I came back from that vacation (photo at top) and worked my face off for four months straight, staying up all hours of the night to become a professional gamer. And sure enough, I became one of the highest ranked World of Warcraft players in North America, with one of the most popular gaming blogs on the Internet back in 2007.
I even wrote a book about it, called Confessions of a Teenage Gamer.
Fast forward almost 10 years, and a few weeks after I left my full-time job, I was named one of the Top 25 Marketing Influencers to watch in 2017 by Forbes. And I started to get more business than I knew what to do with.
You have to remember to be patient. You always have time. There is always more time. I felt like I was running out of time at 17. And sometimes, I still feel like I’m running out of time.
But when I pull back and really just look at the path as a whole, I realize how young I still am—and even more so, how young I was 10 years ago.
You have time.
Just get started today, and keep on moving.
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solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

candid ['kændid]


adj. 忠实的,率直的,坦诚的

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

tunnel ['tʌnl]


n. 隧道,地道
v. 挖隧道,挖地道

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

ventilate ['ventileit]


vt. 使 ... 空气流通,通风

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演





