1. pen 圈;
2. boulder 巨石;
3. peacock 孔雀;
4. giant panda 熊猫;
5. animal enclosure 兽栏;
6. cave 洞穴;
7. lion 狮子;
8. giraffe 长颈鹿;
9. zebra 斑马;
10. warning sign 警告标志;

11. ostrich 鸵鸟;
12. monkey 猴子;
13. crocodile 鳄鱼;
14. kangaroo 袋鼠;
15. pool 水池;
16. flamingo 火烈鸟;
17. zookeeper 动物管理员;
18. deer 鹿;
19. hippopotamus(hippo) 河马;
20. turtle 乌龟;
1. Don't tap on the glass. 请勿拍打玻璃。
2. Do not feed the animals. 请勿喂食动物。
3. Do not cross the barrier. 请勿跨越护栏。
4. Where can I catch the tram? 我在哪里搭园內游览车?
5. When will the animal show start? 动物表演几点开始?
6. The information plaque says that these deer are from India. 解说牌上说这些鹿来自印度。
7. The monkey enclosure resembles their natural habitat. 猴子的兽栏是模仿它们的自然栖息地而建的。
8. What time do the zookeepers feed the elephants? 动物管理员几点给这些大象喂食?
9. Does this zoo have a petting zoo? 这家动物园有宠物乐园吗?
10. Let's go see the new baby koala. 我们去看这只新生的小考拉!
Nathan:I'm so excited! What do you want to see first? 我真兴奋啊!你想先看什么呢?
Teri:Let's go look at the giraffe.They're so beautiful. 我们去瞧瞧长颈鹿吧。它们真美。
Nathan: No way!They're boring.We should go straight to the reptile house。 不要!它们没意思。我们应该直接去爬虫馆。
Teri: I don't want to spend all day looking at snakes. 我才不要花一整天的时间看蛇呢。
Nathan: Fine. let's split up I'll meet you back here in three hours.好吧。那我们就分开看吧。三小时后我会在这里跟你会合。
Heather: Those hippos are so fat! let's go see something else. 那些河马太肥了!我们去看别的吧。
Jack:But hippos are really cool!They're great swimmers and have really big teeth. 但是是河马真的很酷呢!它们很会游泳,还有巨大的牙齿。
Heather:Crocodiles can swin, and they also have big teeth. 鳄鱼会游泳,它们也有巨大的牙齿。
Jack: Well, hippos eat plants, not people. I think I'll stay here. 嗯,河马吃植物,不吃人。我还是留在这里。
Lastly today lets have a look at groups of animals in English
In Chinese you would say a group of animals
However in English we have a different name for groups of different
For example
A herd of elephants,
We also say a herd of cows
A pack of wolves,
We also use pack for dogs, a pack of dogs
A flock of sheep
We say a flock of birds too
A troop of kangaroos
Troop is also used for monkeys, a troop of monkeys
For dolphins we use a pod, a pod of dolphins
We also say a pod of whales
a few more are:
A pride of lions
A school of fish
And a smack of jellyfish
There are many more!