Lemon juice detoxes your body, prevents bloating, and helps you to feel full for longer, all of which can help you lose weight. Furthermore, it also cleanses your taste buds, and helps get rid of your cravings for sweet and fattening foods.
1.prevent 阻止,妨碍;预防
prevent (v.) 阻止,妨碍;预防
loquat paste (n.) 枇杷膏
2.full 吃饱的
full (adj.) 吃饱的
on a full stomach (phr.) 刚吃饱饭
3.get rid of 清除;除去;丢弃 / 赶走,打发走,摆脱(某人)
get rid of (phr.) 清除;除去;丢弃 / 赶走,打发走,摆脱(某人)
4.craving 渴望,热望;难以抑制的渴求
craving (n.) 渴望,热望;难以抑制的渴求